Sunday, March 30, 2008

iHCPL #28 Spring Cleaning

My organizational system is slightly different than GTD (Getting Things Done). My system typically revolves around constant reminders on multiple calendars. If I have a test coming up for school or a project due way in advance, I will write it down on a regular calendar. Then I will type it on an online calendar that notifies me by email when something is coming up (Yahoo has a calendar and since that is my most used email, I use that). Using GTD can be effective if used solely that way, but typically I'll combine my own simple method with some of the aspects of GTD (even though I didn't know it previously).


John B. Kendrick said...

I agree that folks should make GTD their own, but the general concepts are too good to pass up, is that GTPU? I found an application that lets me access my one GTD from my Windows computer at work, my Mac at home and even take it with me on my cell phone. I've written a couple of recent posts on my blog at if your interested in reading about my experiences with the application.

Anonymous said...

Well said.